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The State after Self Realization

When the being is at ajna chakra, point between eye brows, source of creation appears as a star that is as bright as million suns. If the being is a devotee and wish to see a form, God appears in a form of devotee's choice. This is referred as Sadhguna Brahman, God with a form or qualities. The being sees that all the forms of worldly beings are originated from that star. Thus, they understand that the formless God has…

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What happens after Nirvikalpa Samadhi?

Union of Shiva and Shakti Excerpt from Satyananda Saraswati book "Kundalini Tantra" The Descent of Kundalini Everybody talks about the ascent of kundalini, but few ever discuss the descent. When the descent of kundalini occurs, it means the lower mental plane of the human being is no longer influenced by the ordinary mind, the supermind takes over instead. This higher form of consciousness rules the body, mind and senses and directs your life, thoughts and emotions. Kundalini is henceforth the…

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What was there before everything?

Conversation between Narada Muni and his father Lord Brahma, Excerpt from Shiva Shakti Purana. Narada Muni who was interested in learning about the source of the creation asks his father Lord Brahma. What was there before everything? What was there, when, ‘there’ and ‘here’, were not there? What was it like, when ‘now’ and ‘then’ were not there? What was there? Lord Brahma replies, NOTHING! No Sun, No Moon, No Stars, No Light…! Darkness alone was there! No Fire; No…

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Conduct of a Realized Being

Disciple Rama and his Guru Sage Vasishta - Yoga Vasistha Rama asked, “Tell me sage. After a holy man is acquainted with the supreme essence that is without beginning or end, what perfection does he seek?” 2 Vasishta replied:— Hear the high state arrived at by a holy man after he has known the knowable, and how such a man conducts his life throughout the whole course of his existence. 3 He lives apart from human society in his solitary…

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